
  • Home - Homepage of Imperial Discus Farm Malaysia
  • Discus - Display of our Discus fish
  • Other Fish - Display all other fish beside Discus, such as Arowana, Flowerhorn, etc.
  • About IDF - Company Profile
  • Contact Us - Send Enquiry to Customer Service
  • Sitemap - A page built for search engine
  • General Issues - Frequently Asked Questions, esspecially about export and import of our fish
  • Order Procedure - Guide you Step by step, how to make order of our fish.
  • Terms of Sales - Warranty and Disclaimer of the purchases
  • Packing - Guide you Step by step, how to make order of our fish.
  • Useful Links - Further information & references about d Discus fish.

Please feel free to use our sitemap to navigate through Imperial Discus Farm's website

You are recommended to use our main navigation buttons on the top and side of our web pages.

Please don't be hesitated to Contact Us

Useful Links

Despite our effort to create a most informative website about Discus fish, our time and workforce is still limited as it is impossible for us to just have everything in our website. Some information has to be found elsewhere, so we suggest you to visit these website to seek more information: -


Suggesting a link

If you know a very useful website or link, you may suggest us to put it in this page. But we must assure that the link is strictly related to Discus fish and informative to our visitors.

In order to suggest us a link, you must :-

  1. Put our link in exchange.Put the following code in your web page. (we will link the page which our link is located).